When I received an 8mm video camera for Christmas at the age of 14, I immediately started casting friends and family in my short movies. I filmed constantly, excited about the idea of creating something cool for a captive audience.
The problem became finding an audience outside of the friends and family who were obligated to tell me that I was a future Oscar winner or the next Spielberg. There just weren’t many outlets back then. And when I say back then, I mean way back in 2002 – So really not that long ago at all.
Sites like YouTube, Vimeo and Netflix didn’t exist yet. Movies were still being released on VHS!
There are so many more opportunities for the eager young filmmakers of today. Now, not only can you find an audience by posting a quick video to a few websites, but you can make money doing it.
YouTube’s Partner Program, Vimeo’s Tip Jar, or direct online sales can earn you some extra cash.
One of my favorites has to be online video contests. They’ve become a great way for companies to do some viral marketing while giving video makers the chance to win big cash prizes.
A few days ago, I was introduced to a new video contest sponsored by Touchstone Energy Cooperatives.
Aimed at Oklahoma high school juniors and seniors, The GoGoGeo Scholarship Video Challenge asks eligible students to create a one to three minute educational video on the subject of Geothermal Energy by February 22, 2013, for a chance at winning up to $10,000 in college scholarships.
Students must create the video using provided message themes.
The contest will consist of a Regional Competition, and winners from each region will advance to a Final Competition for a chance at even more money.
College can be expensive, and the GoGoGeo Challenge is giving students an opportunity to win money for school by making a video over an interesting topic. For me, it doesn’t get much better than that.
My 14 year old self is very jealous.
For more information on the GoGoGeo Scholarship Video Challenge, go to www.gogogeochallenge.com