Editor’s note: i2E portfolio company PhotoniCare and its OtoSight Middle Ear Scope were recently featured in an article in Contemporary Pediatrics magazine. Here is what the magazine wrote about the OtoSight Scope, along with a link to the entire article.
Another device that can be helpful in diagnosing and monitoring AOM and OME is the OtoSight Middle Ear Scope from PhotoniCare. The device provides a true color video otoscopy of the ear canal and eardrum. Additionally, it determines the presence or absence of fluid in the middle ear; characterizes the type of fluid; and visualizes the fluid’s density, even in the presence of significant wax. The device is an optical coherence tomography otoscope that analyzes reflected light from the middle ear space to determine whether an infusion is present. Studies have shown that the device is very accurate in diagnosing OME.9 It is available via a monthly subscription.
Read the full article in Contemporary Pediatrics magazine.