Our friend and former i2E Fellow Howard Haines has created a better mousetrap and has gone to the crowdfunding website, kickstarter.com, to raise the capital to produce it. OK, it’s not really a mousetrap. It’s a flip-flop sandal known as the Kbeaner.
Howard has taken a unique approach to the problem that flip-flop sandal wearers often have with their favorite footwear: the fact that when they step the sandals move at an awkward angle and their heels don’t land in the proper location. Walk fast enough and it can trip you up.
The result of Howard’s innovative design is a flip-flop sandal that is curved at the heel more than usual so that then the wearer steps, the heel lands right back into the proper place on the sandal.
Now, why didn’t I think of that?
Check out Howard’s kickstarter.com page and watch the video explanation of how the new sandal works. If you pledge $25 you will receive a pair of the new design flip-flops when production begins.