PolySkope Labs is among the most sophisticated food safety laboratories in the world. They offer the highest quality, speed, and reliability in the industry–right in your backyard.

LabCorp?s mission is to improve American healthcare by providing the highest quality cancer and genomic diagnostic services and personalized health information to physicians, patients, and health plans throughout the country.

Intergenetics? is a personalized medicine company focused on molecular genetics to predict the risk of cancer prior to disease occurrence.

Precision Histology Lab, Inc. takes pride in more than 75 years of combined professional experience in the field of histology.

ARL offers a full range of professional laboratory services including; potency, sterility, endotoxin, compendial testing, as well as consulting services, research and development and forensic legal support.

Inoveon is a premier medical services company that delivers solutions to detect, stage and monitor diseases affecting the eye – diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. Inoveon’s initial target is to help patients and their providers improve diabetic retinopathy care through Inoveon diagnostic service centers that are co-located in high volume diabetes care sites.

Since 1925, the Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic has specialized in the diagnosis and management of allergies, asthma and other allergic disorders in adults and children.

Haus Bioceuticals is developing safe and effective products, including Metaderm. Metaderm resolves eczema through a vast combination of spagyric essenses formulated specifically to address the immune signaling disregulation associated with atopic dermatitis and eczema.

Allergy Laboratories, Inc. is an FDA licensed pharmaceutical manufacturer of over 500 different biological extracts for the diagnostic testing and therapeutic treatment of allergy.

TML performs a variety of diagnostic services, including tissue, cytology, bone marrow examinations, clinical consultations, blood bank services, peripheral blood and other body fluid smear consultations, and frozen section evaluation.

Enerlabs is an oil and gas company specializing in diagnostics for the oil and gas industry. Enerlabs recently purchased its first strategic laboratory, Zalco Laboratories.

Emerson Resources provides pre-formulation through phase III and small commercial production. They have been producing phase I and II clinical supplies since 2005 and will be adding phase III and small volume and orphan drug commercial manufacturing in 2013.

JKAutoimmunity provides a DNA pooling service.

Progentec Diagnostics, Inc., (?Progentec?) aims to explore and commercialize state of the art diagnostic solutions in therapeutic areas with a high level of unmet need. The company?s current project is an advanced state-of-the-art lupus flare diagnostic, which has potential to fundamentally change the current treatment paradigm for lupus.

Glomics, Inc. targets global genomics technologies, develops microarray-based technologies and provides their associated services to customers working in a variety of fields involved in microbial functional genomics, community genomics, microbial ecology, environmental microbiology, and geobiochemistry.

Accurate Labs and Training Center provides analytical support for projects involving wastewater, drinking water, ground water, soil, sediment and sludge.

DNA Solutions, Inc. provides highly discerning service products including paternity and forensic testing in humans and sire confirmation, genotype registry, DNA banking and forensic identification in animals.

Diagnostic Lab of Oklahoma (DLO) mission is to be Oklahoma’s undisputed leader in diagnostic testing, information and services.

Helix Bioscience is a healthcare firm focusing on innovative genetic diagnostics to help physicians effectively and accurately prescribe medications that promote better health outcomes.